"Gauva leaf tea is a traditional remedy that have number of benefits. To make gauva leaf tea, all you need is to boil or soak gauva leaves in a hot water." Gauva are naturally called the "powerhouse of nutrient", this tropical sweet fruit was originated from Central American with an extraordinarily rich in vitamin C, lycopene and antioxidants that are effective for the skin. Gauva friuts are grown on the trees in many tropical and subtropical region of the world like Mexico, Central American, South America, India and across Africa as well. Countries like China and India uses gauva leaf tea as a treatment for diarrhea and people of Mexico have traditionally used the flesh of the fruit to heal wounds and many studies have supported that supplement with gauva leaves extract can help reduce menstrual cramps. Here, we explore 10 incredible health benefits of gauva leaf tea and gauva leaves, we also describe the nutritional value of gauva friuts and how to use them. PR...