LIVER: function of a liver, harmful factors, symptoms, liver Diseases and treatment.

      Liver is the largest glandular organ that sit on the right side of the  abdomen. It is  located in the hypochondria and epigastrium and it is said to be the biggest endocrine gland and one of the most important organs of the human body or the laboratory of the human body, your body relies upon the liver to remove toxins and it is connected to every Disease or dysfunction that is happening inside your body. Also, liver help in filtration of all incoming food and fluids and homeostasis.

The liver have well over 500 function and this are the function of the liver:-
  • Regulate blood glucose balance
  • Store glycogen 
  • Store iron and vitamins
  • Decrease surplus Amino acid
  • Decrease and remove toxins in the body
  • Adjust glucose metabolism in the body
  • Secret bile to help digestion
  • Synthesize blood coagulation factors to prevent continuous bleeding.
  • Stores vitamins, minerals and sugar 
  • Metabolize protein, fats and Carbohydrates, this providing energy and nutrient.
  • Stores extra blood that can be use when needed
  • Helps maintain electrolyte and water balance.
  • Synthesize urea and produce heat.
  • Construct blood protein
  • Interconvert amino acid
  • Construct 50,000 system of enzymes to govern activities throughout the body.
  • Remove damage red blood cell
  • Create serum proteins that maintain fluid balance and act as Carriers.
  • Creates immune substance such as gamma globulin
  • Breakdown and eliminate hormones. 
We are still uncertain how many function the liver is responsible for.

                   LIVER DISEASE
  1.  GALL STONE: The are Stony masses that form in the fall bladder or bile ducts. Most gall stones are compose by cholesterol. Gall stones maybe dissolved by oral feeding of a bile acid . When the stone cannot be dissolve they maybe removed by surgery.
  2. JAUNDICE: Jaundice is caused by an increase in the blood bilirubin level. This gives a yellow coloration to the skin and white of the eyes. Jaundice maybe due to three main causes:-
  • Disease of the liver
  • Obstruction of the bile duct
  • Excessive breakdown of the red blood cell .
 3. VIRAL HEPATITIS: There two types of viral hepatitis
  • Infective hepatitis caused by virus type A
  • Serum hepatitis caused by virus type B
The causes inflammation and destruction of the cell liver

4. CIRRHOSIS: This is a serious liver Disease in which the damage liver cell is replaced by useless fibrous tissue . As a result, the liver feels very firm and irregular. Cirrhosis is caused by excessive drinking of alcohol over a prolonged period hepatitis. In most instances, however the cause is not known.

5. AMOEBIC LIVER ABSCESS: The parasite amoeba, Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amoebic dysentry is also responsible for this infection. The parasite get into the liver from the large intestine via the hepatitis- portal vein, it produces an enzyme that destroy the liver tissues and causes and abscess to form.

  •  Drug addiction
  • Smoking 
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Skipping meals
  • Unbalanced diet 
  • Air pollution
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Severe infection like severe flu
  • Prolonged fatigue
This are the most common symptoms and signs;-
  • Slight fever
  • Tendency to bleed and bruise easily
  • Weakness and tiredness
  • Oedema (especially accumulation of fluids in the abdomen)
  1. Rest, (preferable on bed) until the jaundice subsides and long convalescence period
  2. Nutritious but controlled low fat
  3. No alcohol drinking (for a patient with cirrhosis)
  4.  Remove the cause of the liver disorder


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